Wow! I can't believe I'm writing my final chapter of our American road trip. I've really enjoyed reliving it all again.
Let's enjoy the final chapter.........

Arriving in Los Angeles from San Fran took us just under five hours, driving along the west coast within them five hours I think between us we knew that this beautiful experience was all coming to a sudden end. Together in the midst of our last long haul drive (sad face). We seriously didn't want it to end and began regretting not booking a whole year away (duh!) but hey ho we were lucky enough to of made it there in the first place. The home stretch was upon us.
Our new home for the next six nights was the The Bonaventure Hotel situated in the heart of the business district of down town Los Angeles. I remember arriving at the hotel feeling really dazed as everything around me didn't seem real. I mean I'm a Dagenham girl (bird) at heart and pulling up and actually stepping on LA turf just doesn't happen to people like me. I'm from a background where LA was just a dream. Cheesy and corny as that sounds but that's exactly how I felt in that moment. Was I actually there? Seriously WAS I THERE? You know when something feels so good you can't actually recollect and feel it happening so it turns into a giant blur (I hope that makes sense).
My blurriness state wasn't helped by the hotel having a frigging crazy stream running through it, over 40 restaurants/shops to choose from, an outside glass lift, killer skyline view, giant pool, oh and a moving roof top restaurant. The lobby was huge and I initially felt very out of place like I wanted someone to pinch me. But I guess we wanted to have our road trip adventure go out with a bang in this amazing fabulous hotel.

After we did the obligatory jumping on our hotel beds and crazy run around the hotel we set off into the land of dreams, first stop a long drive down the iconic Sunset Boulevard.

Which nicely led us to a spot I'd never ever thought I'd ever get to see Beverly Hills Rodeo Drive baby! (I think I cried like a big baby)

I think we drove up into The Hills past the luxurious mountains and mansions where I think I stood in front of THE HOLLYWOOD sign. (I think)
We sunbathed and ate fish and chips on Venice Beach. I fell in DEEP LOVE. I mean this place for me was one the highlights of the entire road trip. Venice beach is full of hippy fun loving, live life in the moment people that I wanted to ALL befriend. I genuinely could live there forever. (did not want to leave)

I thought I was a Life guard from Baywatch. This life guard was adorable. Gave us lot's of tips of where to go.
We experienced the LA Night Life and got into places like Bootsy Bellows, 1Oak and other funky places. Californian folk know how to party!
Drank cocktails at a fabulous city hotel roof top with my gals! (as you do)
Drove up into the mountains to Malibu and dined in to the evening along the pacific ocean. Was it a dream?
Well it has been very surprisingly emotional reflecting back writing My America Road Trip posts. I wasn't expecting it to be but I guess it wasn't just about the journey we embarked on physically cross country but also the journey we went on mentally. I am so happy and grateful that I got to have one of the best experiences of my life with two of my closest friends. We were in it together. Talking of them it would be wrong of me to tell of the journeys they were both going through on the trip, and I'm not saying everyone that goes travelling is off to find themselves again because that is so cliche but we all shared something so special whilst being away that will live with me forever.
The worst part was saying farewell to Thelma our stunner of a car that didn't break down or give us any problems once. I still love you Thelma. Ok I think I need to stop writing now lol.
Once again thanks so much for reading these chapters which I've thoroughly enjoyed writing.
Ps. That's not the end of mine and LA's relationship. Actress life!
My Look
My Style
Flora Maria
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