So it's Thursday which means a Thursday Throwback is due. If you're like me and normally post an old picture of yourself on Instagram on a Thursday, then you'll know what I mean. If not, a Thursday Throwback is just a silly fun way to share really old pictures of yourself from back in the day. The older the better! The pictures that make you scream with cringe! Which is exactly what this new post is all about. I used to post them on a lil media tool called Facebook. Long before the days of Instagram and Twitter. Going through my old pictures I thought I'd see more awkward and 'what the heck am I doing' pictures but it turns out they aren't too bad. But of course there are few that embarrass the hell out of me but at the same time make me laugh. I'm a bit of a saddo really but it turns out I was kind of blogging but without the write up! Here they are! Enjoy!

This was the first time visiting Cyprus with the wife. I remember using an app called BeFunky to add more colour (a tad too much) but this makes me want to be back on that beach! - 2010
Awww all fresh faced! About 20 here. I want this entire outfit. Beanie hats and knits are necessity for this sharp cold winter breeze. Seriously where is this beanie? - 2005
See a kind of blog style picture and pose. I still have the boyfriend oversized wool blazer and T which I love. The bag and navy beanie are both vintage. The animal print skirt is missselfridge. Erm...Why am I holding an umbrella? (I don't see any rain? Doh!) Eeeeek! -2007
Another from the family mansion we were staying at in Cyprus. Okay exaggerating not a mansion but this house was stunning with beautiful marble floors, huge gigantic wooded embroidered doors and cooper gates. So classic. We loved this balcony! These denim shorts are from Beyond Retro, floppy hat is River Island. 2010
OMG I'm about 22 here and in an old flat when I first moved to London. Still rocking the polka dot and red lip back then. I loved these calve suede booties too. In fact I love all black suede boots. (kind of obssessed)
Oh posing again. So many nights I'd get in from work and play dress up with random clothes from my wardrobe. Does anyone else do that? Here I pieced together my American Apparel hoodie (which I still have and wear often) with my white ankle Converse trainers and a trilby hat but wait....Where are my trousers? Did this really go online. Oh well! CRINGE!!
Ooops how unclear is this but I think I know where I was going with this famous Bermondsey Street snap. Something sixites maybe in my faux fur coat that again I still have and wear daily. It's from Rokit and so warm. Another beanie this time, unfocused here but it was a lovely burnt orange shade that eventually got all bobbly. Grr!
WOW! I mean I can LOL to myself now but did I seriously put this on Facebook! People must of thought WTBeep or that I'm posting my normal extra dramatic weekly photo. See I told you I needed an outlet for my crazyness and visionary mind. I do like this look though especially the banging earrings. (Covers face)
I'm in love with Brighton so whenever I go back I go a little crazy.
SEE I've always been a STRIPE FREAK. About 24 here sat at my desk bored at work. This was before the 'Selfie' title. Which lipstick is that? hmmmm. Channeling Jane Birkin. I frigging love her.
Another blog style snap in the garden. Jumper's vintage from a flee market. Disco leggings Here and bright blue vans Here. - 2011
So my friend Ben used to always pick me up on this classic lil scooter. It was freezing but him driving and me on the back was so much fun. Of course I took a picture or two or three or a zillion.
I attempted to drive it once and didn't realize the gears are on the hand bars to only drive straight into a brick wall. I scuffed the bike and grazed my knee. Forever clumsy! - 2008
Channeling Madge Mad Madonna here with the striking red lip that isn't so striking with my over filter. Nose pierced think fierce. -2008
I had just watched the latest Bond movie at the movies and thought I'd be the next Bond Girl via Facebook. I mean really. Loving the playsuit though. - 2011
About 17 here barefaced at a photo shoot. The kind of 'photo shoot' where it's your mate who has a spare camera. Think we pitched up at a graveyard somewhere on a sunny day. Dress is of course vintage. I think I cut this fringe myself. Over 14 years ago. Wow time has flown and so much has changed.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this kind of random but fun post.
Now your turn, post any throwback pics below as I'd love to see.
My Look
My Style
Flora Maria